Cheering up with music

Today I tried playing music for JimJim to try and cheer him up. There are some studies with chimpanzee’s responding to classical music. I tried Bach and he began to jump up and down in a rage. He tore up every piece of paper he had. Shredded some of his drawings. I plugged my phone into the PA, and decided to try something else. I started at the beginning of my library, trying to find something he would like. 3 Feet High and Rising by De La Soul was at the top of the alphabetical list. I hadn’t listened to that in 25 years? The moment it began he settled down. He sat quietly and began bobbing his head, tapping his fingers on his knees. Tom, my assistant thinks since JimJim loves rhymes, it was a perfect fit for him.

When I stopped the album, JimJim got agitated again, so I left it playing on loop when I went home tonight. I cannot wait to see him tomorrow. I’m starting to hate going home at night. I almost feel like I’m abandoning him every night.

–Sue Ellen

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